Old Maid: Kimura Takuya vs. Choi Ji Woo

Link for those that cannot see the embedded video above: http://youtube.com/watch?v=GI5GC4GEROg

Today I watched newshfan‘s subbed SMAPxSMAP Magician Zero segments. (You must watch them, even if you aren’t a fan of SMAP. They are hilarious. You’ll find them under the “smap” tag at that LJ.) After watching them, I realized that I need more Kimutaku in my life and thus, I began a youtube search. And found this amazing video. It’s pretty old (06-27-2005, according to the YT comments) but it’s still amazing. Choi Ji Woo and Kimura Takuya are playing Old Maid (acting, obviously).

(Side note: For anyone who doesn’t know who these people are, Ji Woo is an actress who starred in Stairway to Heaven (haven’t seen it yet but it’s supposed to be amazing) and Kimura Takuya is…well, he’s Kimura Takuya. You know, SMAP member. Awesome as awesome can be. I don’t think I can explain him, sorry. I don’t even fangirl over him that much but yeah, if you don’t know who he is, please google him or something. It’ll make your life better. 🙂 )

Anyways, in the clip, they’re down to the last few cards and they’re trying to outwit each other to win. Oh, and did I mention that they’re speaking Engrish? (And random bits of Japanese thrown in between but mainly English, so subs aren’t even needed.) It’s amazing and hilarious and you should watch it. They’re both really cute and funny and yeah, now I want to go watch Stairway to Heaven. Even though that is sad and very much different than this clip. :/

By the way, sorry that I haven’t been posting at all lately but school’s almost over and I’ve been in one of those “I don’t have to do anything and therefore I don’t want to do anything” kind of moods. Heh. Last day is tomorrow though, so I’m bound to get bored and post more things eventually!

June 19, 2008 at 1:22 am Leave a comment

The H stands for Happy.

Super Junior – H (Happy) is the newest subgroup of Super Junior. The group consists of Sungmin, Shindong, Yesung, Kangin, Eunhyuk, and Eeteuk. Sound familiar? Yeah, it’s Super Junior T without Heechul and with Yesung. Their first mini-album, 요리왕(COOKING? COOKING!), will be released some time in June. (Preorder link to be posted once Yesasia has it up…I’m assuming it will some time soon but who knows?) It’ll be a happy dance song. Just like SuJu T is for trot songs and K.R.Y for SUPER PRETTY OMG songs (came up with the genre name myself, thanks), SuJu H will be for happy songs. Yay, happy songs! 😀

Article posted on LJ by ryeowookitis here. (You’ll need to join the community to see it.) The above paragraph is pretty much just my poorly done paraphrasing of the article, sorry. I think I must be tired but I’m not as happy as I should be about this. (It’s odd, not fangirling over SuJu news.) I’m…indifferent, I guess? I kind of would have liked to see some people other than SuJu T but I love all of them, so it should be cool. I’m looking forward to hearing their album! I loooove happy songs, so yeah, it should be great. 😀


Edit: For a little bit of clarification. I’m not upset about SuJu H. I’m looking forward to the album but I’m just not too excited by the news, for whatever reason, if that makes sense. I’ll be excited after hearing the song though, I’m sure. 😛 SuJu H, SuJu M, SuJu T, SuJu K.R.Y, Regular Ol’ SuJu, HWAITING! 😀

May 30, 2008 at 1:22 am Leave a comment

Like a kid on a sugar high

I don’t listen to much stuff classified as J-Rock, more because of lack of time than lack of interest, but I’ve been a fan of Miyavi for a while now. I love his style, his personality, and most of all, his music. When I found out that he was having a few shows on the same weekend as the Hollywood Bowl in the same area, it doubled the pain of living so far from California but even farther than any other city that attracts Asian artists. Despite the pain, I was overjoyed to read this review on SF Weekly’s site. (They also have a cool interview with him here.) If you’re a fan of Miyavi, you should read it to be proud of the man you and I both love. If you’re not a fan of Miyavi, you should read it too because it’s a fantastic review and I think you’ll find yourself wanting to learn more about this awesome artist. I felt so proud to be a Miyavi fan after reading the article. I mean, he’s so great and he’s so…Miyavi. The review is right, it’s pretty hard to describe Miyavi. Miyavi is Miyavi and that’s all anyone needs to know, right? I love how she pointed out how he ran along “like a kid on a sugar high” because the phrase so perfectly describes Miyavi’s energy. Miyavi also has a lot of fantastic quotes in the article that make me just want to hug him. I love him so much. ♥ (I know that I say I love everyone but really, I love Miyavi.) For this reason, I cannot leave you non-Miyavi-fangirls without some links. It is my duty to spread the Miyavi greatness as much as I can.

Warning: If you’ve never seen Miyavi before or if you’ve never seen anyone who dresses similar to him, you might be a little bit shocked at his style at first. (Style as in what he looks like, not his music. Although you might be surprised by that too.) I personally think it’s awesome but some people are a little turned off by it. Please, don’t judge him on that. If you listen to his music and don’t like it, that’s fine but at least give him a chance. That’s the least you could do for this lovely tattoo-covered man. XD

PVs (in no particular order)
Selfish Love (Do you hear the guitar here? HE’S SO GOOD. He amazes me every time. I love his voice tooo. :D)
Kimi ni Negai wo
Kekkonshiki no Uta
Freedom Fighters
What A Wonderful World
Senor Senora Senorita
Note: These are not all of Miyavi’s PVs. There are more on Youtube as you’ll see in the related video sections.

Miyavi playing guitar for 30 seconds
Are You Ready to Rock?
Senor Senora Senorita

Random Stuff
It’s Miyavi’s birthday! So he talks to himself/the camera! Seriously, if there’s only one video you ever watch with Miyavi in it, make it this one. I cannot explain my love for him but maybe this video can.
Miyavi kisses Kai I just found this but it’s really cute. Miyavi loves kissing people. 😀 I don’t listen to the GazettE, but Kai and Miyavi are so cute. And if you’re going to be a Miyavi fan, you need to see Miyavi’s hair in this.
Miyavi getting distracted on Hey Hey Hey! It’s on Dailymotion ’cause I couldn’t find it anywhere on YT. Anyways, Miyavi gets distracted pretty easily and Downtown makes fun of him for it. It’s funny. XD There aren’t any subs but it’s pretty easy to figure out. The most important part is him being distracted. 😛
More Miyavi craziness LOL, he really is absolutely hilarious. XD
Spazz moments …did I mention that he’s absolutely insane as well? Well yeah, he is. In the best way possible, of course. 😀

Enjoy the Miyavi love!


May 27, 2008 at 11:48 pm Leave a comment

Official Word Spelling Change

“There has been a recent official spelling change to a common word in the English language. Webster announced yesterday that they will now be printing dictionaries that read “nervas” instead of the previous spelling of the word, “nervous.” When asked why, the Webster Committee of Word Making stated, “KEY IS AWESOME AND WE WANT TO SHOW OUR LOVE FOR SHINEE,” adding that “shiny” will now be spelled “SHINee” in every Webster’s Dictionary published. It is speculated that other dictionary companies around the world will be announcing similar changes within the next week.” – The New York Times

😉 Jokes aside, I’m so happy that Key’s posting on the fanboard in English. It’s really good English, actually. His first post didn’t even have any mistakes… If I tried to write a post in Korean…just imagining it is crazy. It would be just a few random, unconnected words. Anyways, Key is really cool for doing that. They have to be really busy with their debut and everything but he still thought about his English speaking fans. (Most stars don’t even know about us until their 5 year anniversary when we bombard them with gifts…) I mean, we have no way of knowing that it really is Key and not some SM employee or whatever, but I’d like to think that it’s him. 😀 What he says is so cute too! Yeah, Key’s been growing on me ever since I figured out his name. 🙂

You know, I’ve never considered stalking an artist’s Iple or blog before…but I might have to now. XD Edit: Yeps. Went and got an Iple. How could I not? XP 

Key’s comments can also be found on the English fanboard on SHINee’s Iple. Enjoy!


May 27, 2008 at 9:04 pm 1 comment

SHINee Pictures and Shiny Subs!

By the way, V.O.S’s song Party Time is awesome. ♥

I’ve been posting things much later than they come up (and this post won’t be an exception, with a few-days-old SHINee updates) and I apologize for that. I hope to be quicker than I have been to give you all good stuff the day everyone else has it. I need to get in the habit of checking my LJ communities…and maybe even soompi. It takes too much energy to check soompi though. XD

SHINee! I just wanted to share two pictures before I head off to school, and to tell anyone that doesn’t know that SHINee already has a fansubbing team (and 987986 LJ communities…) and they’ve already subbed the MV (I really like the lyrics, actually) and their UFO message. As crazy as I think it is that they already have a team when half of the people I fangirl over will never, ever have one, I think it’s great and I want to thank the members of Shiny Subs for being so quick to form. The UFO message…I’m still waiting for an unscripted interview. Or, even if it is scripted, I want them to be able to convince me that it’s not. It’ll take some time though so we for now we get this UFO message. 😀 I’m telling you though, I will be in heaven when I hear Onew say something unrehearsed.

LOOK AT ONEW! ♥ (And aww, look at Taemin too, he’s cute.)

LOOK AT ONEW AGAIN! (I haven’t picked a favorite yet…really, I haven’t…)

Credits: kuronology@LJ, newsen.com

I LIED, I LOVE ONEW. XD Jonghyun’s pretty cool too though. 😀

Credits: kuronology@LJ, SHINee website maybe?

Second part of The Various Expressions of Jungmin, caps from Star Show and Inkigayo, and more fun stuff to come soon! School comes first though, unfortunately. At least I have fellow SHINee fangirls there too. 😀


May 27, 2008 at 10:56 am 10 comments

SS501 Photos

I’m not sure what these pictures are for but I found them on Quainte and I needed to share. Their cuteness astounds me. I’ll admit that I often feel envious of them for being so perfect, but I love them enough that it doesn’t really matter. ❤

Credits to: SS601, Quainte501.com, and…um…whatever the watermark says. The original post can be found at Quainte, posted by henin_sunshine. Thanks, henin_sunshine, for sharing the prettiness! 😀 (I hope it’s okay for me to repost these. If it’s not, I’ll take them down immediately.)

Look at those faces. LOOK AT JUNGMIN’S SMILE. Tell me, what’s not to love? There is nothing not to love, that is the answer. XD So I am not only giving you beautiful thumbnails that lead to beautiful pictures of beautiful boys, I’m also giving you a link to a zip file that includes all 18 pictures so you can have these beautiful boys on your computer forever. 😉

Download the zip file here on MF

Again, comments are very much welcome and encouraged, not for thanks, but don’t you want to fangirl with me? XD Even a comment like, “LEADER!” would make me happy. 😀

Until the next squee,


May 27, 2008 at 3:29 am 1 comment

DBSK on Star Show 05-26-2008

Tvants, how I adore thee. You weren’t working at first but you buffered yourself to 100% just in time for DBSK on Star Show this morning (on the East coast.) Thank you, I appreciate it.

Edit: Episode now available here on cashewmania’s CB. 🙂

I think the biggest thing that most overseas fangirls struggle with, other than never having the opportunity to see their obsessions live, is the language barrier. To overcome this, you learn to laugh because of funny faces, not funny words, or you learn to laugh because everyone else is laughing too. This feature included in most fangirls allows everyone to enjoy unsubbed talk shows like Star Show so much more than we really probably should.

Luckily, I have this fangirl feature, so I thought today’s episode of Star Show was great. I only understood a few things but it was fun to watch anyway. (I’ll add the disclaimer now that my Korean knowledge is little, and I can only guess what they are talking about.) I’m only going to talk about the first part of it for now, since I had to leave right after they showed the FITB Proud clip. I’m not sure if the episode has been uploaded yet but when it is, I’ll cap it. Then I’ll comment on it again once it’s been subbed because even though we love unsubbed things, subbed things are even better, right? Of course.
The episode opened with the normal DBSK introduction where they remind us all why we love these boys so much. Then they started talking and of course, I understood nothing. They were all really cute though. Hero said something funny and three cute smiley faces showed up on the screen, and I swear I die every time Junsu talks…I love his voice too much. He’s pretty too. They’re all pretty, of course, and this Star Show wasn’t an exception. They talked a little about Purple Line, I think, and then talk a little bit more about their time in Japan. There’s a picture in the corner of DBSK on the HeyHeyHey! telephone box segment, where Junsu’s talking. Such a cute video (subbed here by DBSJ Productions). Yunho does what looks/sounds like a gag, which is hilarious. (I think I know what he was saying but I’m going to wait until the video comes out so I can watch it again, just to make sure.) Junsu covers his face at one point (I don’t remember why) and he looked so cute! Yeah, I’m very much a Junsu fangirl, I think everything he does is adorable. To end the talk about Japan, Changmin says something in Japanese but, because I am totally a loser, I didn’t realize he was speaking Japanese until the last sentence, so I’m not sure what he said. XD (I have a really slow language-transition reaction time.)

After the talk on Japan, they brought out this chart. It had a bunch of groups/solo artists on it, old and new, including DBSK, each listed by the year they debuted. Some of the groups on the chart included H.O.T, S.E.S, BoA, Super Junior, SNSD, Fly to the Sky, and Shinhwa. They talk about most of the groups on the chart. They talk about (I guess) SNSD and the Haptic CF. Junsu talks about Eunhyuk (:D) and Yunho talks about Kangin and Heechul. He says something about Heechul and pink, I think. XD I think Changmin talks about how Kibum is shorter than him…but again, I’m not sure. Micky says something about Brian and then dances. If this dance isn’t made into a gif within 3 hours of the video being released, I’ll be disappointed in the DBSK fandom. The audience was screaming so loudly. You can see Changmin a minute or two later try to figure out the dance in his seat. He was so cute for the entire show, he’s awesome. Then Micky says something about Yunho which cracks everyone up…I think it was probably something like “Yunho used to be a huge fan of S.E.S” or something, because he then has to talk to S.E.S. (You know, when they talk to the camera and pretend the person is listening, kind of?) I think I heard “Eugene,” but he might have been naming them all and I just missed it. Then they say something about how Min likes Han Ga In, I think. Min says something (I guess about her) and Micky and Junsu find it so funny that they have to get up out of their seats. XD

After the chart part (rhyyyming!), they played this game of sorts where the MC asked a question and the boys had to answer it by pointing to one of the members with their pink pointer finger toy thing. They all chose Min for the first question and then they started posing. Changmin’s was cute, Hero’s was funny, Micky just sat there and smiled (and therefore looked cute and awesome), and Junsu’s was cool because Junsu is just a very cool guy. (I can’t remember Yunho’s though…:/) Then Junsu did another face for the camera (most likely it was supposed to be sexy). At first he gave his cool guy glare but then he stuck his tongue out…I died and by the sound of it, so did the rest of the audience. It was fantastic. XD Yunho was picked for the second question by all of the members and he just nodded his head like, “Yeah, it’s true.” Changmin did the same thing when he was unanimously chosen for the third question. Hero and Yunho then go on to imitate Min and I was laughing so hard. XD Then, for some reason, they all throw their fingers (the toy thingers) on the ground. It was really cute. Min says something which causes everyone to get up out of their seats, laughing loudly. Then he says something again and the other members all hit him with the fingers. To close that segment, they all talk to the camera. At first it sounded like Junsu was talking about Hyukjae again but I’m almost positive I was hearing things. They were probably thanking their fans, from the sounds of the audience. I couldn’t help but think that they are very well-trained to speak in a way that will please their fans. Well, not trained necessarily (although they probably are) but they’ve really learned, after years in the business, how to make their fangirls squee in delight. 😀

A perfect example of this was the next segment. (I just call it a segment but I don’t think there’s actually any separation of these “segments” on the show.) Yunho danced to Sexyback and it was both hilarious and awesome. Junsu danced after him and it was…I don’t know, I have such a problem explaining the amazingness of these boys in words. It was quite cool. The MCs tried to dance to both of their dances
but failed. Hah. Then Hero danced. Oh, how I love you, Jaejoongie. First, he got up and took his jacket off, showing his beautiful arms. (The MC was feeling his muscles…Sorry, I know I keep referring to them as MCs instead of their names but I forget their names. I used to be able to name the two guys on the right, but I can’t remember now.) Then he did a really cute dance and I was all, “I LOVE YOU, HERO.” ’cause I do. Everyone does. 😀 Then Micky danced. He started out really shy and didn’t want to do anything. (Changmin seems the most shy at first, but when it comes to actually doing things, it’s definitely Micky. Today, at least.) Then they brought out the female MC and he danced with her…LOL. She was so shocked, it was hilarious. After she recovered, Min danced. Definitely the coolest dance ever. First he danced by himself and then they all danced together in perfect unison and it was great. If I hadn’t been watching it on tvants, I would have watched it a million times again. Yeah, it was that cool to watch them all dance together.

There was then a quick transition to a much more serious studio, and that’s about when I left so I’m not sure how much was after it. The only thing I really saw was how they showed clips from the FITB Proud performance. You know, the one where Micky is crying and can’t sing? And then everyone is crying? And Min’s hair is absolutely gorgeous? Yeah, that one. If they had shown any more of it, I probably would have started crying too. I get so emotional whenever I see that performance. I just love them so much, and I’m so proud of them for everything they’ve done. Dong Bang Shin Ki, HWAITING!


May 26, 2008 at 9:14 pm 1 comment

Inkigayo 05-25-2008

I don’t usually watch full episodes of Inkigayo but when so many groups are on one episode, I can’t help it.

First up was SG Wannabe. I don’t listen to these guys as much as I should, them being super famous and generally awesome and all. To tell be honest, I laughed at the song at first. It’s got a country feel to it that I wasn’t expecting. By the end of the performance though, the song had grown on me. The perf itself wasn’t too interesting but yes, I like the song now. 😀

Next up was…MEILIN, was it? I’ve never listened to her music before, so I’m not sure if that’s her or not, but that’s who my poor Korean skills are telling me the next performer was. Her pants were really shiny. (SHINee~ Wow. Thanks SM, I’ll never be able to say the word “shiny” again without thinking of SHINee.) Anyway, I really liked this performance. I’m going to try to find more of her music later. She’s got a good voice, methinks. Her mic pass was decent, but not as good as the one coming up. XD

I still haven’t figured out the next guy’s name, although I think it might be Peter. (The flashing “Peter” behind him for the entire performance might have given me a hint.) Really cute performance and a good song. I like his voice too. 😀

Ooo, a song title and artist name I can read! Hoorah! Next song was Astro Girl by Deb. I don’t really have any feelings for the song. I didn’t think it was bad but it wasn’t great either. *shrugs* I’d like to hear the recorded version of it though, ’cause I think it might sound good. I liked how they showed the audience with their glow sticks and they weren’t not moving them together at all. XD

Okay, I think I got this one…Kim Jong Wook singing Only You as Bora from Anyband plays the piano? (Correct me if I’m wrong with any of these, people, please. XD) Wow, I love this guy now. I’ve never heard him sing before but I love him now. (Yes, this type of falling in love is common for me, as I think it is for almost every fangirl.) He’s cute (did you see his eyes while she was singing? LOL, he’s awesome) and he can sing so prettifully. 😀 Bora’s piano playing skills are awesome too, of course. Her dress is so pretty! The whole stage is really pretty for this perf, actually. A very nice performance from Kim Jong Wook and Bora (if that’s really them.) Very cute too! Apparently this song is from “We Got Married” but I didn’t notice because I haven’t watched a full episode yet…I’ll watch the latest episode tomorrow though. (Start from the beginning? Psha, yeah right.)

Next song was the third track from The Jadu’s new album, Happy Network. (I’m not even going to try to romanize it because I always seem to mess up.) I really like the jazz feel this song has. Her voice kind of annoyed me at times throughout the performance but I liked the song anyway. Just not her voice. I like most happy sounding songs though. 😀

They announced the mobile ranking (I think) after The Jadu’s performance. I believe the order, from 5th to 1st, was Kim Jong Wook, Jewelry, SG Wannabe, Epik High, and MC Mong. (Yeah, I was pretty happy with myself for recognizing them. XD)

SHINee! *shouts like a crazy fan that has known these boys for less than a week but is IN LOVE* Okay, I’m not in love with these boys just yet but I do like them a lot. (It’s amazing how many people are declaring their love already though, isn’t it?) Their song is catchy, they can dance, and yes, they are pretty guys. Except for Taemin and Minho, who I think are more cute than pretty. I think this is the first time I’ve ever been a noona to an SM artist and yeah, I think it’s cool. Unlike most of their other noonas though, I’m only a few months older than Taemin, not decades. XD I still think it’s really cool how many fans, no matter what age, they have already. As for this performance, it was fantastic. The coolest thing, of course, as everyone has been talking about, has to be the mic pass between Taemin and Key. You don’t really notice anything in the LQ version other than one second Taemin has a mic, the next second he doesn’t, and then after his dance he has one again, but the brilliance of it is easy to see in the HQ. There are other cool parts too…like every time Onew comes up to sing (“MVP” kills me every single time and I don’t even know why)…or every time Taemin smiles or dances all awesomely…or any time Jonghyun sings…Key’s pretty cool too…and I don’t have any reaction to Minho yet, but it’ll probably come to me later. All in all, I love them, I love this performance, and I am really looking forward to more stuff from SHINee. They just need to work on their introduction because every SM group (and most other groups) must be able to bow in unison and to say their group name in unison. SHINee tried but they’ll need to work on it more. XD They’ll also need to learn how to talk for themselves, but I suppose SM didn’t want them screwing up their debut by saying, “Overthrow Super Junior” or something. XP

I kind of skipped past Son Dam Bi’s performance in my fangirling of SHINee. Finally though, a song I’ve heard! I really don’t have picky music tastes so it’s not surprising that I like this song too. Was she supposed to be singing that one part though? She wasn’t freaking out like she forgot her lines but she didn’t open her mouth to sing for a long time…Oh, nevermind, she didn’t sing that part for two verses in a row, so I guess that’s how it’s supposed to be. The other girl who came out and sang (no idea who she is) was cool. 😀

I already fangirled over SHINee and it’s my sixth or seventh time watching this performance, but the introduction still makes me laugh. XD

I’m going to find this Jump Jump song somewhere because I really liked the perf. Edit: Jang Na Ra. Why wasn’t I able to read that? She’s famous, I’ll find her stuff somewhere. 😀

ANDY! *dies of laughter* I love Andy to death…but if you asked him 10 years ago what he would be wearing at a solo perf in 2008, would he have said this? Doubt it. I still love him though. He’s so happy. 😀 I like Propose too. Is there anybody else who gets happy simply from hearing the word “haengbok” (or some variation of the word) in a song?

I still haven’t learned the names of these girls. Wait, I know Tiffany. Good song. 🙂

SS501! Look at Leader’s arms. *melts* Hahaha, I always find it funny when Baby’s around girls. XD KYU~! My new love. 😛 Charisma oozes out of him now, it’s great. Youngsaeng is such a cutie too. 😀 JUNGMIN. *melts again from cuteness and awesomeness* Mogz, I love them all so much. Again, with charisma!Kyu…it’s amazing. I don’t get it…I’m happy about it, but I don’t get it. Leader is awesome, as always. Baby, you rawk. Min is too cute, it hurts. I think Youngsaeng gets more shy every show I see him in, probably to make for Kyu’s charisma. They can dance and sing so well. Love this song!

JUNJIN! My true Shinhwa love. (Actually, sometimes Minwoo steals that title but usually it’s reserved for Junjin. And Hyesung when he dances on variety shows. ;)) Even when JunJin’s being serious, he never fails to amuse me. It’s a shame he didn’t sing live so I could compare his performance to Andy’s, but it was still a good performance. JunJin can’t really do wrong in my eyes though, so I dunno how bias I am. XD They really should have figured out a way to put his dancing skills to better use though…LOL at the MCs dancing to the song.

OH. MY. GAWD. Best song ever is coming up everyone, watch out, you might just fall out of your seats. After JunJin, V.O.S. sang Beautiful Life. (Whoever thought that would be a good transition is a bit odd, but whatever, the contrast was kind of cool.) I hadn’t listened to V.O.S. before this song came out and I still don’t really fangirl over them, but this song is easily one of my favorite songs ever. It’s beautiful. As much as I fangirl over sugary dance songs, it’s these type of songs that I love the most. Was this really a live perf though? I think it was, but it sounds so much better than their previous lives (not that they were bad) that I’m having some trouble believing it. This song also has one of the cutest dances. I’m watching it as I type and one of the hearts falling from the sky just landed on Kyung Rok’s head and it was really cute. XD So yeah, I think this was the best perf of Beautiful Life so far. Fantastic. 😀

MC Mong. I’ve never listened to his music before, actually…just watched him on shows. He’s hilarious. The color in this performance is amazing. Reminds me of ’90’s performances. The song sounds like fun rap. He’s really good. I like the song a lot. 😀 His dance for the female MC is awesome. XD

Overall, a very good episode of Inkigayo. Even though they mentioned Epik High twice but they never performed (…unless I’m totally missing them, but I wouldn’t be able to ignore “One” playing.) I’m going to add links for the videos I can find, but I’ll have to add them tomorrow morning since I need to get some sleep. Until the next squee!


Edit: I wasn’t able to find most of the performances from yesterday on youtube, although I might be able to find them on CB later. Instead, I’m just going to put a performance from the group singing that song. It might be from a few weeks ago, it might be from yesterday. Then if I can’t even find another performance by the person, I’ll try to find an MV or something.

SG Wannabe – LaLaLa: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JD0P23-J8pw (Music Core)

MEILIN – How About Tonight?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrE_qW_Ydh4 (04-27-2008 Inkigayo)

Peter Hyun – Show Man (I can’t find the song he sang anywhere, so this will have to do): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXI2Xnmr8IM (Music Bank)

Deb – Astro Girl: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CayXPVG4_KY (05-11-2008 Inkigayo)

Kim Jong Wook (ft. Lee Boram) – Only You: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LA26zEmfw4w (05-18-2008 Inkigayo)

Jadu – 잘가 (There aren’t any recent videos of them on YT; this is not what they performed): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXTCcmdrjkw (MV)

Epik High – One (because it was in the mobile ranking…and I love it): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgIx_aZNAJs (04-27-2008 Inkigayo)

Jewelry – Everybody Shh! (Also in the mobile ranking): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7s1l6pnxrRU (05-18-2008 Inkigayo)

SHINee – 누난 너무 예뻐 (Replay): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLbqhr_sC4U (05-25-2008 Inkigayo – HQ)

Son Dam Bi – Bad Boy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSnTEOs9oLQ (Music Core)

Jang Na Ra – Jump Jump: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdZwVIs0F2w (Music Core – HQ)

Andy – Propose: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Po7OFXMbhWA (Music Core)

SNSD (Tiffany, Jessica, SeoHyun) – Oppa Nappa: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZEbiREQJ5g (05-04-2008 Inkigayo)

SS501 – A Song Calling For You Remix: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdvYgAqKxS8 (MV)

JunJin – Wa: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTabFVQZ-cI (MNet)

V.O.S – Beautiful Life: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TPMjxU4p8o (Music Bank – HQ)

MC Mong – Circus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnUPzxZe2CA (04-20-2008 Inkigayo)

Caps to come later today. 🙂 Oh, by the way, feel free to comment on anything posted around here. I just love fangirling with other people or just hearing what you have to say about anything, so yeah, comment all you want, okays? 😀


May 26, 2008 at 5:01 am Leave a comment

The Various Expressions of Park Jungmin 1

Okay, so I haven’t really paid much attention to SS501 since they left for Japan. I mean, I watched the Kokoro MV but other than that, I’ve been busying myself with the 43535 other bands I fangirl over. (According to Wiki, the lord of all websites, Kokoro was released on August 1, 2007, so yes, I’m very much behind on SS501 news.) Today, I happened to come across a kind of old episode of Star Golden Bell with SS501 on it. It was aired on April 5th, so it’s really not that old. I really enjoyed the episode (which can be found on youtube in seven parts, subbed by vinchenzo79: part 1) but it’s already been talked about in this post on the ever awesome Pretty Boy Power and I know that if I wrote out a big text-only ramble about it, it’d look almost identical to spazzes’s post. I do, however, think it is very important to discuss Jungmin’s expressions on this show. I somehow forgot about how awesome this boy is, and to make up for that, I’m going to share some caps of him. And maybe the other boys because seriously, you can never have too many Leader pictures, and I’m still in shock over Kyujong’s transformation from super shy to amazingly amazing. (Yeah, amazingly amazing. You know you love repetition.)

I know I said this was going to focus on Jungmin, but who doesn’t love Leader? He’s gorgeous and hilarious. (Although, I wasn’t a TOKIO fan when I stopped paying attention to SS501. Now that I am, it feels weird to call him Leader. XD I’ve never called him by his real name though, always Baby as Baby and Leader as Leader, so whatever. *shrugs*) At this part in the show, they’re introducing the new MC. They ask Leader what he thinks of her and he says, “I think she’s better than the person that was here before.” Hahaha, I love him so much. XD

I. Love. Chae Young. ♥ (Yeah, I’ve decided that this really isn’t going to be just Jungmin and a few others, it’ll be more just a picture recap of the show. I hope the pictures don’t kill your computers!)

1. You are so right, Won Suk, Leader is quite unbelievable, but the more important part of this cap is 2. Jungmin. You can’t see it very well in this cap but he’s just blowing out air, being the painfully cute person that he is. He does this for the rest of the show, even when the camera is on him, and it’s absolutely fantastic. He’s so adorable. I kind of remember getting into SS501 (I think they actually might have been the first Korean group I fangirled over because I was really slow with realizing the awesomeness of DBSK and SuJu) and I remember having conflicting feelings about Jungmin. (And now I’m having conflicting opinions about how I want to spell his name: space or no space? I’m not sure what I feel looks best.) I really disliked him at first, probably for some really stupid reason. I don’t remember now. Then he started growing on me and I think he was my favorite member by the time they headed off to Japan. (Now that I’m thinking more about it, I think I stopped being obsessive over them before they even went to Japan. Whatevers.) My favorites were Jungmin, Baby, and Leader. Baby no longer has awesome hair though and because I’m an awful, shallow person, I’m not sure if I love him as much now. XD And now that Kyujong’s all awesome and stuff, I’m not sure who I like anymore. I’ll just love them all then. 😀

The beautiful boys of SS501. XD It’s just so much better to watch the video. Leader’s reaction to KJ’s “Youngsaeng’s Arrogant Posture” is especially hilarious. I couldn’t get a somewhat good cap for KJ’s though ’cause he’s moving his head so much, but it’s amaaazing. Then he nods like, “It’s true, it’s true.” He’s so cool. 😀

Won Suk and Shin Young are shown some next and even though I didn’t take any caps, I just want to say that they’re awesome. People are mean to Shin Young (jokingly but eh, it’s still mean) but I think she’s super cool. Won Suk is hilarious and cool as well. 😀 Kyung Min’s hilarious tooo. (I’m just really lazy and don’t feel like spamming everyone with tooo many pics.)

Again with the puffed out cheeks. ^_^

Wonderful idea from Leader but pay attention to Jungmin who is leaning as close as possible to Leader without falling over (with his cheeks puffed out). He never seems to be able to stop moving but it makes him even cuter. (You’ll all soon realize that I have a very limited vocabulary; it only includes the following words: adorable, amazing, awesome, cool, cute, fantastic, and pretty. I apologize.)

Try to watch this boy talk and not be amazed. It’s impossible, I think. Yes, he’s very pretty and has one of the best smiles ever, but like Youngsaeng says later in the show, he talks so well too. Jungmin talking makes me so happy. *strange*

Of all of the reasons I have to want to see SS501 in concert, being able to see Jungmin’s smile in real life is probably the best. 🙂

A gif would be better for this since he kind of looks like he’s smiling in the cap but he’s like, “Whyy? Why do you guys have to pick on me?” He doesn’t say that but his look says it all.

LOL. He gets mad, covers it up incredibly well, gets mad again, and then covers it up again. XD

This is a bad cap but Youngsaeng dancing to SNSD is so cute! 😀 Remember when Ryo, Ohkura, and Yoko interviewed Leah Dizon and she had to do that gag with her hand under her neck? But she ended up doing it too cutely? Yeah, that’s who Youngsaeng reminded me of when he did that part of the dance. XD

Jungmin…I love you. What are you doing? Watch the video to see a better picture of his scrunched up face.

“What are you about to say, Youngsaeng? I’ll keel you if you say something bad,” he’s thinking.

Lol, you were doing so well keeping your anger in. Until now. We still love you anyway.

As cute as his anger is, I love his smile so much too so thank you, MC, for forcing it out of him. Kind of. 😀

He shines now. I love it.

Baby was shocked and then very happy that Leader said that there are so many good things about him. Then he was in shock again when Leader said, “He’s very agressive” as Baby’s good point. XD

LOL. This whole part, where they all turned the positives into negatives, was so funny.

I don’t want to kill anyone’s computer though, so I think I’m going to end at the end of part 2 for the day. After I make a few other posts with less pictures, I’ll post the second and third parts of “The Many Expressions of Jungmin” because this post did turn out to actually be mostly Jungmin’s expressions. It seems that even after almost a year, I’m still a Jungmin fangirl. 😀


May 26, 2008 at 1:11 am Leave a comment

Welcome to Fangirlish Squees!

Another fangirl blog? What? Yes, another fangirl blog. It’s not going to be any better than the blogs you currently stare at for hours at a time, constantly refreshing your RSS feed to check for new posts. It probably won’t even be as good as them. This blog is, as the name implies, going to have a lot of fangirlish squees. Every entry will be strangely incoherent, full of unconnected thoughts separated by nothing more than parentheses and badly placed commas, or nothing at all. You’ll skim through an entry and think, “Hey, wait a second, I already heard about this five weeks ago! And she’s not saying anything new either!”

If you’re cool with all of that though, and you happen to like reading fangirlish ramblings regarding Korean bands like DBSK, Super Junior, Big Bang, and Epik High, or Japanese bands like NEWS, Kanjani8, B’z, and the Gospellers, you might enjoy this blog. If you’re open to hearing about new bands too, or reading reviews on both old and new Asian dramas and movies, most of which you’ve probably already watched, you might like Fangirlish Squees. If you’re cool with an American girl with little knowledge of any language but English, ranting about an unsubbed version of Love Letter or X-Man that came out years ago, again, you might like what you read here. I can’t guarantee anything though.


May 25, 2008 at 5:07 pm Leave a comment

